Batman The Enemy Within The Telltale Series Com...
Detective Renee Montoya (Sumalee Montano), Reporter Jack Ryder (Robert Clotworthy) and Wayne Enterprises Chairwoman Regina Zellerbach (Lorri Holt) return with smaller roles within the series. New minor characters introduced include Police Detective Harvey Bullock (Keith Szarabajka), Agency operative Vernon Blake (Christian Lanz), international arms dealer Rumi Mori (Keone Young), Riddler's second-in-command Eli Knable (Alex Hernandez), and Stacked Deck patrons Frank Dumfree and Willy Deever (Kirk Thornton and Dave B. Mitchell respectively).
Batman The Enemy Within The Telltale Series Com...
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Detective Renee Montoya, Reporter Jack Ryder and Wayne Enterprises Chairwoman Regina Zellerbach return with smaller roles within the series. New minor characters introduced include Police Detective Harvey Bullock, Agency operative Vernon Blake, international arms dealer Rumi Mori, Riddler's second-in-command Eli Knable, and Stacked Deck patrons Frank Dumfree and Willy Deever. 041b061a72